Experience the true Adventure with us

Horse riding in the Orkhon valley
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Trip itinerary

Day 1: Arrive in Ulaanbaatar.

Day 2: Drive to Kharakhorum.

Day 3: Visit to Erdenezuu monastery. Afternoon start to horse riding.

Day 4-12 : Horse riding

Day 13: Bayangobi via Uyanga

Day 14: Ulaanbaatar

Day 15: Departure

Activity: We will travel about 150 kilometers on dirt road, and about 250 kilometers on paved road. We will spend approximately 4 to 5 hours horseback riding. We will provide guidance and training to those who are riding a horse for the first time. During the trip, we will visit the famous Tuvkhunmonestary, where we will trek for 3-4 hours.